Why choose HM pe-stressed CFRP strip?

It is proved that the concrete beams strengthened by ordinary concrete beams and ordinary carbon fiber reinforced plate can easily take place under the powerful external force, but the bearing capacity of concrete beams strengthened by prestressed CFRP strip is greatly improved

HM pe-stressed CFRP strip

Prestressed CFRP strip is a new type of reinforcement technology which has been widely used in recent years. Prestress carbon plate is prestressing on the basis of ordinary carbon fiber plate. Then, what is the advantage of Prestressed CFRP compared to ordinary carbon fiber plate?

Let's look at a set of experiments.

Bending test is done on four groups of reinforced concrete beams.

1. ordinary concrete beams;

2. reinforced by non prestressed CFRP.

3. prestressed CFRP reinforcement (4% prestress).

4. prestressed CFRP reinforcement (6% prestress).

HM pe-stressed CFRP strip

It is proved that the concrete beams strengthened by ordinary concrete beams and ordinary carbon fiber reinforced plate can easily take place under the powerful external force, but the bearing capacity of concrete beams strengthened by prestressed CFRP strip is greatly improved. Therefore, prestressed CFRP strip strengthened reinforced concrete structure has obvious advantages.

Horse Construction Pre-stressed FRP system characteristics

  1. safe and reliable

  2. easy to install

  3. good economical 

  4. reliable patent anchorage system 

  5. sitable for large span beam slab of flexural reinforcement 

  6. matching carbon fiber plate,adhesive,anchoring devices ensures the system matching

المنتجات الموصى بها

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شرائح الکربون

شرائح FRP المنضدة هی عبارة عن شرائح تبلغ سماکتها میلی متر او اکثر و تتمتع بمقاومة عالیة فی اتجاة واحد او اثنین و یتم تلصیقها علی الخرسانة او الصلب باستخدام راتنجات FRP ایبوکسیة خاصة.

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نظام سابق الاجهاد لصفائح CFRP

صفح البوليمر المقوى بألياف الكربون (CFRP) للبلاطة ، وتعزيز شعاع

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