A New Advanced Materials---Carbon Fiber Wrap

Carbon fiber used in all fields years ago, but there are many more advantages that have not been tapped,also are knowned as a new advanced materials

Carbon fiber used in all fields years ago, but there are many more advantages that have not been tapped,also are knowned as a new advanced materials.These are generally characterized or determined by unusually high strength fibres with unusually high stiffness,high modulus,high elastic.Compared with oter materials having it's perfect characteristics. 

Why choose carbon fiber ?

First,we will told you the reason directly

  • Under the same budget, the performance of carbon fiber more superior

  • Lower prices, greater benefits

  • New advanced materials, competitive advantage

  • Small performance advantage plus fashion, and more design freedom. Competitive pressure

  • Carbon fiber is an advanced alternative material

  • Cost-effective, good performance, reasonable price and strong competitiveness

  • Environmentally friendly

  • Heat and ablative resistance

  • luxury

  • Apperance,the sexy look of woven carbon fibre and consumer demand for it on a small scale.

Then,we need know the key feature and the application(if you don't know the fiber)

Key feature:

1.Light self weight
2.High strength
3.High modulus
6.Long shelf life
7.High toughness
8.Ani high temperature


  • civil engineering

  • automotive

  • wind energy

  • friction resistance

  • marine

  • engergy storage/fuel cell

  • sporting goods

  • 3d printing

  • oil and gas

  • pressure vessels/CNG

  • intumescent coatings

  • composite

According to different departure have different categories

1.Based on the fiber

1) PAN-based carbon fiber cloth (more than 90% of the market for the kind of carbon fiber cloth)

2) viscose-based carbon fiber cloth

3) pitch-based carbon fiber cloth

2.Based on the carbon fiber specifications

1) 1K carbon fiber cloth

2) 3K carbon fiber cloth

3) 6K carbon fiber cloth

4) 12K carbon fiber cloth

5) 24 K and larger tow carbon fiber cloth

3.Based on carbon fiber carbonization

1) Graphitized carbon fiber cloth, can withstand 2000--3000 degrees high temperature

2) Carbon fiber cloth, can withstand about 1000 degrees high temperature

3) Pre-oxidized carbon fiber cloth, can withstand 200 - 300 degrees high temperature

4.Based on weaving method

1) woven carbon fiber cloth, there are: plain weave, twill, satin cloth, unidirectional cloth, etc.

2) knitted carbon fiber cloth, there are: warp cloth, weft cloth, round machine cloth (casing), flat machine cloth (rib cloth), etc.

3) woven carbon fiber cloth, there are: casing, packing, braid, two-dimensional cloth, three-dimensional cloth, three-dimensional woven cloth

4) carbon fiber prepreg, there are: dry prepreg, wet prepreg, unidirectional prepreg cloth, prepreg tape, no Tuobu, a Tuobu, etc.

5) carbon fiber nonwovens,carbon felt, including chopped strand mat, continuous felt, surface felt, needle felt, stitched felt and so on.

المنتجات الموصى بها

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