FRP composite strengthening the steel structures

The strength of the FRP composite is high. In order to achieve the same reinforcement effect, the size of the FRP composite material is obviously smaller than the size of the steel plate. After FRP reinforcement, the dead weight of the original structure and the size of the original component are basically not increased.


What are the obvious advantages of fiber reinforced composites (FRP) in strengthening steel structures compared with traditional methods?

1. The strength of the FRP composite is high. In order to achieve the same reinforcement effect, the size of the FRP composite material is obviously smaller than the size of the steel plate. After FRP reinforcement, the dead weight of the original structure and the size of the original component are basically not increased.

2. Because of the designability of FRP composite materials, FRP properties can be designed according to the stress and strain fields of damaged structures, so as to meet the requirements of steel structures and maximize the reinforcement effect.

3. Flexible fiber reinforced polymer(FRP)composite fabrics are highly adaptable to the reinforcement of complex curved steel structures, such as pressure vessels, pipes, containments, etc.

4. The FRP composite has good fatigue resistance and corrosion resistance. Bonding the FRP composite does not reduce the cross sectional area of the member. Load transfer from damaged components to fiber reinforced polymer(FRP) composites is more uniform and effective. The stress concentration level is also lower.

5. No need to drill holes in the original structure, no new stress concentration source will be formed, thus eliminating the possibility of new hole-edge cracks, improving the stress concentration and load-bearing conditions, improving the fatigue resistance and damage limit capacity of the structure, but also avoiding the damage to hydraulic pipes caused by drilling holes.

6. Flexible FRP composites can guarantee nearly 100% effective bonding rate for arbitrary closed structure and complex reinforced surface. It can be strengthened by sticking on one side, and has good sealing property, which reduces the hidden danger of leakage and even corrosion. This is especially important for petrochemical pressure vessels and urban water supply pipelines.

7. No open fire during construction, safe and reliable, less impact on production, suitable for special environments, such as gas tanks, oil tanks, underground equipment (with explosive hazards), cable dense places or chemical workshops, refineries and other environments.

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لاصق FRP الایبوکسي متغير الانسيابية

لاصق الإيبوكسي متغير الانسيابية هو عبارة عن جزء من مادة لاصقة تشبب بالإيبوكسي ، وهي مادة لاصقة غير قابلة للاهتراء لتدعيم النسيج لأسلوب الاستخدام الجاف ، وراتنج التمهيدي لنظام التطبيقات الرطبة ، ولصق المواد الإنشائية لربط صفائح FRP.

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