تميل مجموعة أعمال Horse Construction إلى جميع أنحاء العالم وتقدم الخدمات لآلاف العملاء من خلال المنتجات ، والإرشادات الفنية المتخصصة في مجال الإنشاءات ، ونحن نشهد تطور العلامة التجارية الصينية معهم.
Carbon fiber fabric and aramid fiber cloth are two indispensable reinforcing materials in reinforcing ring. For those who have just entered the reinforcing ring, there is no difference between carbon fiber cloth and aramid fiber cloth. They all increase the bearing capacity of the plate or beam, increase the tensile capacity of the beam and plate, reinforce the normal section of the column or increase the ring binding force.
Carbon fiber fabric and aramid fiber cloth are two indispensable reinforcing materials in reinforcing ring. For those who have just entered the reinforcing ring, there is no difference between carbon fiber cloth and aramid fiber cloth. They all increase the bearing capacity of the plate or beam, increase the tensile capacity of the beam and plate, reinforce the normal section of the column or increase the ring binding force. But in fact, there is a certain difference in performance and application between them.
1. Comparison of performance parameters
Tensile strength | Durability | UV protection capability | Density | Modulus of elasticity | Elongation | Destructive characteristics | Construction operability | Stress characteristics | Conductivity | |
Carbon fiber fabric | 3400Mpa | good | good | 1.8g/cm3 | 230000Mpa | 1.7% | Brittleness | Simple operation | High elastic modulus makes it able to endure static load for a long time | Yes |
Aramid fiber cloth | 2100Mpa | good | good | 1.4g/cm3 | 110000Mpa | 2.2% | Plasticity | Simple operation | Dynamic load and several impact | No |
2. The permeability of structural adhesive is different.
Whether carbon fiber cloth or aramid fiber cloth is used to reinforce, mainly by impregnating glue, through the resin and concrete bonding between the good ability to achieve a coordinated deformation, bear the load together. Since aramid fiber and resin are organic materials, their binding ability is very strong. The carbon fiber cloth is inorganic material, and its permeability has a certain gap with aramid fiber. Therefore, we need to consider what materials to use in terms of duration and intensity.
3. The two are different in form of destruction.
The failure mode of CFRP is brittleness (small deformation, high elastic modulus and low elongation of CFRP). There is no obvious sign. Therefore, as a structural design, a large safety factor must be adopted. However, aramid fiber cloth has low elastic modulus and high elongation. Experiments show that the destroyed plain concrete members are still plastic after being reinforced with aramid fiber cloth and loaded again. Therefore, carbon fiber based on the high elastic touch, high tensile capacity to withstand long-term static load, which is the most prominent feature, can be used for more stable load in the field of housing reinforcement. Aramid fiber is undoubtedly the best choice for dynamic load and local impact, ductile reinforcement, used in the field of road and bridge with frequent vibration.
4. Different electrical conductivity determines the different applications.
Aramid fiber is not conductive, so in the subway, industrial buildings and other electrical equipment more structures, the use of carbon fiber cloth is obviously not appropriate. In addition, when carbon fiber is used to reinforce concrete structures, it must be ensured that it is isolated from steel bars to prevent electrochemical corrosion, and the use of aramid fiber is not restricted by this condition. When strengthening common building structures, carbon fiber has obvious application advantages in tensile strength and elastic modulus.
يمكنك العثور على أي شيء تحتاجه هنا ، ولديك ثقة في تجربة هذه المنتجات ، وسوف تجد الفرق الكبير بعد ذلك.
تستخدم المواد البولیمریة المسلحة بألیاف الکربون في العدید من تطبیقات الهندسة الإنشائیة کتدعیم الأعمده، الکمرات، الجدران، البلاطات و الأسقف في المنشآت و المباني
لاصق الإيبوكسي متغير الانسيابية هو عبارة عن جزء من مادة لاصقة تشبب بالإيبوكسي ، وهي مادة لاصقة غير قابلة للاهتراء لتدعيم النسيج لأسلوب الاستخدام الجاف ، وراتنج التمهيدي لنظام التطبيقات الرطبة ، ولصق المواد الإنشائية لربط صفائح FRP.
شرائح FRP المنضدة هی عبارة عن شرائح تبلغ سماکتها میلی متر او اکثر و تتمتع بمقاومة عالیة فی اتجاة واحد او اثنین و یتم تلصیقها علی الخرسانة او الصلب باستخدام راتنجات FRP ایبوکسیة خاصة.