How to install carbon fiber fabric onto concrete

Because carbon fiber fabric reinforcement is a new type of reinforcement, it has not yet been fully popularized. Many people are asking, what should I do for install carbon fiber fabric on crete ? Here, Horse Construction makes a unified answer. Horse Construction spend a lot of money to do an intsall video, you can understand how to install after watching the video.

carbon fiber fabric onto concrete

Because carbon fiber fabric reinforcement is a new type of reinforcement, it has not yet been fully popularized. Many people are asking, what should I do for install carbon fiber fabric on crete ? Here, Horse Construction makes a unified answer.

First, Horse Construction spend a lot of money to do an intsall video, you can understand how to install after watching the video.

Carbon fiber fabric for structural strengthening (plz click the link)

If you are not convenient watching the video, check out the text description

1.Surface preparing

Remove the coating of concrete surface with grinder. Polishing the surface. If there is angular, grander it into round.

2.Setting out

Get the concrete surface clean and keep it dry, then set out. 

3.Apply primer

Apply primer adhesive onto the surface of the concrete. 

4.Apply putty/leveling

Apply putty for repairing and leveling if needed.

install carbon fiber fabric onto concrete

5.Fabric cutting

Cut carbon fiber fabric into sizes as designed. 

6.Preparing impregnation adhesive

Weight and mixing adhesive according to the ratio. Stirring the adhesive until the color is even, avoid air bubble in this process. Apply impregnation adhesive when primer adhesive is touch dry. 

7.Apply the carbon fiber fabric

Apply the carbon fiber fabric onto the concrete surface as designed. Leveling the surface from one end to another. Apply impregnation carbon fiber adhesive again. 

8.Check gap or bubbles

Make sure the adhesive impregnate fully into the fabric, the surface flat and no air bubble. Repeat above process from cutting carbon fiber if applying two or more layers. 

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