Technical points of carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP) fabric

Carbon fiber is a new advanced material usd in building,with high strength and high modulus,used to reduce deformation of the structure, reduce the stress of the original structure, reduce or limit the development of the cracks.

Carbon fiber is a new advanced material usd in building,with high strength and high modulus,used to reduce deformation of the structure, reduce the stress of the original structure, reduce or limit the development of the cracks.

structural strengthening with carbon fiber

Application of carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP) fabric

  1. Building beams, columns, slab structure reinforcement;

  2. Bridge, piers, bridge deck structure reinforcement;

  3. Tunnel, chimney structure reinforcement;

  4. Beach building anti-corrosion reinforcement;

  5. Civil, industrial buildings, municipal roads and bridges, water conservancy projects, power engineering etc.

    slab strengthening with fiber reinforced polymer

Technical points of carbon fiber reinforced polymer(CFRP) fabric

① Bending strengthening, the fiber direction should be consistent with the strengthening of the force direction;

② Shear strengthening, seismic reinforcement, the fiber direction should be perpendicular to the axial component;

③ Flexural strengthening and shear strengthening, the concrete strength should not be less than C15;

④ FRP jacketing to the columns, the concrete strength rating should not be less than C10;

⑤ Carbon fiber reinforced mainly depends on the effect of the fiber applying, the construction team should be professional.

concrete strengthening by unidirectional carbon fiber fabirc

المنتجات الموصى بها

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ألياف الكربون أحادية الإتجاة

تستخدم المواد البولیمریة المسلحة بألیاف الکربون في العدید من تطبیقات الهندسة الإنشائیة کتدعیم الأعمده، الکمرات، الجدران، البلاطات و الأسقف في المنشآت و المباني

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برايمر ايبوكسي

الثخانة المنخفضة لهذا الایبوکسي المخفف يجعل هذا المنتج قادراً على اختراق سطح الخرسانة في الأنابيب الشعرية وإنشاء رابطة خرسانية قوية جدًا.

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معجنات ايبوكسي

هذا المنتج یعتبر کطلاء ترمیمي قلیل السماکة للتطبیق علی السطح الخارجی علی الخرسانة لتطبیق الیاف FRP علی العناصر الإنشائیة فی مشاریع ترمیم و تدعیم البناء

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