Retrofitting of Suzhou University

The reinforcement in the Suzhou University Concert Hall Building Renovation Project Ex Ling, because of the embedment depth of the original building structure column section size is less than the design, and the original structure of the column having steel structure, the limited space, these all caused the general strengthening construction technology can not be used.

The reinforcement in the Suzhou University Concert Hall Building Renovation Project Ex Ling, because of the embedment depth of the original building structure column section size is less than the design, and the original structure of the column having steel structure, the limited space, these all caused the general strengthening construction technology can not be used. In order to avoid damage to the original structure and meet new design load requirements in the process of retrofitting and reinforcement

  1. PKPM modeling and deepening

  2. Anchorage and reinforcement of anchorage plate

  3. Reinforcement of steel sleeve hoop welding

  4. Bearing platform, reinforcement of ground beam

Retrofitting of Suzhou University.jpg

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