How to check the effect of CFRP reinforcement?

Carbon fiber fabric is a new advanced materials in building reinforcement engineering. Because of its excellent tensile strength, toughness, and acid and corrosion resistance, it has become one of the mainstream reinforcement methods. How to check the effect of CFRP reinforcement?

Carbon fiber fabric is a new advanced materials in building reinforcement engineering. Because of its excellent tensile strength, toughness, and acid and corrosion resistance, it has become one of the mainstream reinforcement methods. How to check the effect of CFRP reinforcement?

Externally bonded carbon fiber reinfroced polymer1.jpg

In general, we can detect the quality of carbon fiber cloth by simple hammering method, knock on carbon fiber cloth , the existence of hollowing between cloth and concrete testing carbon fiber, such as that found hollowing, carbon cloth and concrete is not fully fit, joint force no purpose, such as the hollowing area is less than 95% of the total area of construction, then the reinforcement project is unqualified, need to rework engineering.

Generally speaking, we can simply by tapping method to detect carbon fiber cloth, hammer every inch of the existing situation to check if there is a hollowing between CFRP and concrete test carbon fiber. Found the hollowing between the carbon cloth and concrete,it will prove that the carbon fiber cloth is not fully fitted with concrete, it is not used to achieve the purpose of common force. The hollowing area is less than 95% of the total area of construction, then the reinforcement project is unqualified, need to rework engineering. When the project need rework, allowing the use of injection glue filling repair if a single hollow area is not more than 10000mm2 ; should be removed to repair if a single hollow area greater than or equal to 10000mm2, re-bonding the equivalent carbon fiber cloth

Externally bonded carbon fiber reinfroced polymer(CFRP) fabric again, the construction process should be carried out strictly. The correct construction process please see the following picture

Externally bonded carbon fiber reinfroced polymer

المنتجات الموصى بها

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معجنات ايبوكسي

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