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يأتون من أكثر من 50 دولة ومنطقة ، وهم يحرثون بنجاح وعمق في مجالات المباني والجسور والمطار ورصيف المياه والسد والطريق السريع.
HM Prestressed CFRP laminate strengthening the concrete bridge
Analysis and strengthening of cracks in beam and slab of Highway Bridges
Disease and strengthening scheme of simply supported T-beam bridge
Application of CFRP in the field of bridge strengthening
Application of gluing steel plate method to bridge reinforcement
Flexural reinforcement of concrete bridge deck reinforced by CFRP sheet
Bridge crack repair with HM-120L crack injection adhesive
Reinforcement of the bridge of Cheng An Yu Expressway with Prestressed FRP laminate
Maintenance and reinforcement of the Yanchi Bridge