Reinforcement method of brick concrete structure

Brick and concrete structure need structural reinforcement due to improper design or improper construction, inconsistent quality of materials, alteration of housing function, disaster and poor durability.

Reinforcement method of brick concrete structure

Structural reinforcement can effectively enhance the bearing capacity of the structure, improve the durability of the building structure, and control the disease of the structure.

The reinforcement methods of different building structures are also different. Usually, brick and concrete structure need structural reinforcement due to improper design or improper construction, inconsistent quality of materials, alteration of housing function, disaster and poor durability.

Common reinforcement method for foundation of brick and concrete structure

The foundation floor area method, the foundation reinforcement grouting method, the anchor static pressure pile method, the tree root pile method and so on are increased.

Common reinforcement method for wall of brick concrete structure 

Cement mortar, reinforced cement mortar method, reinforced concrete wall method.

Reinforcement method of brick concrete structure

Common reinforcement method for columns of brick and concrete 

Reinforcement method of concrete encircling sleeve and strengthening method of steel plate

Common reinforcement method for beams of brick and concrete 

Reinforcement of concrete beams with positive cross section, reinforcement by positive section and reinforcement of simple supported beam by carbon fiber sheet

Common reinforcement method for slabs of brick and concrete 

The two methods are suitable for improving the flexural bearing capacity of the normal section in the tensile area of the floor, such as bonded steel reinforcement and carbon fiber sheet reinforcement. The new openings for the floor reinforcement can be strengthened by sticking steel reinforcement, carbon fiber sheet reinforcement and additional steel beam reinforcement, changing the transmission way and improving the bearing capacity.

المنتجات الموصى بها

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ألياف الكربون أحادية الإتجاة

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