What is retrofitting? why need retrofitting?

Retrofitting, refers to inadequate reliability or owner for higher reliability of the bearing structure, component part and its related to enhance, local replacement or adjustment measures such as its internal force, to make it with the current design specification and the owner required safety, durability and applicability.


Retrofitting, refers to inadequate reliability or owner for higher reliability of the bearing structure, component part and its related to enhance, local replacement or adjustment measures such as its internal force, to make it with the current design specification and the owner required safety, durability and applicability.

Structural Retrofitting

Why should we retrofitting?

  1. The design reaches the service life, or the original structure cannot meet the requirements under the existing specifications.The average building is now designed for 50 years, and when it reaches 50 years or less than 50 years ago, it needs to be reinforced.After the sichuan earthquake in 2008, new seismic codes were issued, and the existing buildings could not meet the requirements of the existing specifications, which required seismic reinforcement.Construction quality problems, decoration damage, excessive use and so on.There are many reasons for construction quality accidents, including objective and subjective factors. The main reasons are:

  2. Material strength or other technical indicators do not meet the requirements, such as low strength concrete grade, steel and steel plate materials.A mistake or error in the construction process. Steel bar leakage, less release, lap, anchorage and other dissatisfaction requirements;Improper handling of node construction measures, rigid hinge connection and articulated rigid connection, which are more difficult to deal with.The size or position of the component is not right, and so on.

  3. The function of the building is changed or increased.

    For example,

    (1) the function of the building has changed or increased.

    (2) adding escalators and elevators, which involves the opening of floors and the addition of new components.

    (3) the addition of interlayers, such as factory buildings to office buildings, requires several additional layers inside the plant.

    (4) office use is converted to commercial use, thus increasing floor load.

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