Three sentence tells you why need to reinforce existing building

The construction reinforcement and reconstruction means that the existing building should adopt reasonable reinforcement and repair measures on the basis of scientific testing and identification for some reasons, or improve the safety and durability of the original structure by structural transformation.

structural strengthening system

The construction reinforcement and reconstruction means that the existing building should adopt reasonable reinforcement and repair measures on the basis of scientific testing and identification for some reasons, or improve the safety and durability of the original structure by structural transformation. With the continuous improvement of the building reinforcement and reconstruction technology, the building reinforcement and transformation project has gradually come to the ordinary people. Why are so many people choosing to reinforce and rebuild the existing buildings?

structural strengthening system

It is derived from 3 reasons for the strengthening and reconstruction of existing buildings.

  • Adoption of reinforcement and reconstruction can improve the service life of existing buildings.

  • Adopting reinforcement technology to meet the safety requirements of existing buildings

  • Adopting reinforcement technology to ensure the safety of surrounding environment of buildings

المنتجات الموصى بها

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