Three kinds of concrete crack repairing method

​Cracks are one of the most common diseases in concrete.Shanghai Horse Construction introduce three kinds of concrete repairing methods

Cracks are one of the most common diseases in concrete.Crack repair has become particularly important

crack repair

When the building cracks, it will not only affect the useage, but also lead to corrosion of steel, concrete carbonization, the durability of materials reduced, affecting the carrying capacity.In addition, the emergence of some cracks not only means the lack of carrying capacity, but also more likely to endanger the safety of the structure.

Today, Shanghai Horse Construction introduce three kinds of concrete repairing methods,hopeing to be helpful to you

1. Pressure perfusion method

The crack width of 0.1mm is less than or equal to omega = 1.5mm, can be injected into a low viscosity structure adhesive by pressure perfusion method(HM-120L crack injection adhesive). Mainly through the pre embedding glue nozzle, sealing cracks, pouring the glue to complete the repair of cracks.

crack injection

2. Pressure grouting method + Carbon fiber strengthening

The crack width is more than 1.5mm Omega cracks, and cracks in the cross region, determine the structure cracks. Based on pressure perfusion,bonding carbon fiber along the crack , increase tensile bearing capacity.

carbon fiber repair crack

3. Surface sealing method

The crack width is less than 0.2mm Omega independent cracks, crack repair glue can be used to closed fracture channel. For the floor and other parts that need to be impermeable, it is better to paste the carbon fiber on the crack surface to enhance the sealing effect.

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