Comparative analysis for bonded steel and FRP wrap

Nowadays, bonding steel plate reinforcement and FRP wrap reinforcement in concrete are often used in the reconstruction and reinforcement works of building structures, and the positions of bonding reinforcement are almost the same.

bonded steel and FRP wrap

Nowadays, bonding steel plate reinforcement and FRP wrap reinforcement in concrete are often used in the reconstruction and reinforcement works of building structures, and the positions of bonding reinforcement are almost the same. According to the construction experience, the steel plate and carbon fiber cloth used in this project are compared in terms of physical properties, construction technology, improving the bearing capacity, cost, market analysis and so on.

  • Physical properties of steel plate and carbon fiber reinforced polymer(FRP) wrap

Singles layer strength
FRP wrap35000.1671.8525
Steel plate21057.8630(Q235)

  • Construction time and space.

    There is no need to set up the pressure system for the carbon bonded fabric. Compared with the sticky steel, the construction process is simple, the construction speed is fast, the construction space is small. Only 1~2 people can be operated on one working face, and the skilled workers can finish about 200 m2 per person every day. For the same amount of work, the construction period of the carbon bonded cloth is about 40% of the steel bonded.

  • The degree of technology maturity.

    The design and construction are relatively mature in 1970s. The design and construction of the existing reinforcement codes are more detailed in the design calculation and construction requirements of the bonded steel, and the carbon fiber appeared at the end of the 9O in twentieth Century.

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