Beam and column strengthening by CFRP and steel plate

Strengthening beams: enlarging reinforced concrete beam section, strengthening with carbon fiber fabricand sticking steel reinforcement. Column reinforcement: bonded steel reinforcement, carbon fiber cloth reinforcement.

Engineering survey

The project is located in No. 108, Jujube Road, Putuo District, with a total building of 26273.81 square meters, an underground section of 2604.2 square meters and a total building height of 61.700 meters (all are measured).

The project has 17 layers of high-rise buildings, the podium part is 6 layers, the podium is mainly for the youth activities related rooms, the tower part is mainly for the office of various educational institutions. The scope of the project includes structural reinforcement, civil engineering, installation, decoration and decoration, water supply and electrical engineering, weak electricity, ventilation, greening, and outdoor general (including outdoor roads, square, rain and sewage pipes, etc.).

General situation of structure and structural strengthening

1. Masonry works: the outer wall is 300 B05 autoclaved aerated concrete block, and the inner wall is 100 or 200 B05 autoclaved aerated concrete block.

2. New reinforced concrete beams: HPB300 and HRB400; concrete: C40 (11 and below) and C35 (11 storeys above) ready mixed concrete.

3. Wall reinforcement: reinforcement mesh and jet M10 cement mortar reinforcement.

4. Strengthening beams: enlarging reinforced concrete beam section, strengthening with carbon fiber fabricand sticking steel plate reinforcement.

5. Column reinforcement: bonded steel plate reinforcement, carbon fiber cloth reinforcement.

beam strengthening by carbon fiber fabric1

column strengthening by carbon fiber fabric

column strengthening by steel plate2

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