Repair the cracks in the pier

Harmful cracks will not affect the bridge structure, affect the service life of bridges, accumulate over time, will lead to bridge collapse.

Repair the cracks in the pier

Vertical fissure from the base

Cause analysis: generally because of the soft soil foundation or uneven settlement.

Disposal methods: grouting, caulking and blocking, and observing the development of them. If further development is needed, further treatment is needed.

Circumferential and horizontal cracks

Cause analysis: poor concrete placement.

Treatment method: treatment by surface repair.

Vertical crack

Cause analysis: insufficient strength of concrete.

Disposal suggestion: first use grouting to deal with it and observe its development.

CIS fissures

Cause analysis: concrete protective layer is insufficient, causing steel corrosion expansion.

Treatment method: surface repair method.

Scour, peeling, gluten

Reason analysis: On the one hand, the surface concrete spalling of pier columns is caused by river erosion, on the other hand, the material defects of pier columns lead to concrete spalling.

Suggestions for disposal: it is suggested that the pier should be protected by pier form, and concrete will be poured along the pile foundation. It is suggested that concrete should be poured deep into the foundation to prevent the formation of suspended concrete skirt under long-term water flow and sand excavation, which will be more unfavorable to the bearing capacity of pile foundation.

المنتجات الموصى بها

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