Houjie plant reinforcement project

The building should be reinforced and retrofitting into industrial factory building of the first and thecond level, and third to five floors for the office building.A large amount of reinforcement and repair construction of the foundation, column, beam, plate and other components which are not satisfied with the requirements of standard and safe are carried out.

Project overview

Dongguan Houjie building reinforcement project for the reinforced concrete frame structure five on the ground floor, the building covers an area of 1680 square meters, total construction area of 8453 square meters, the height is of 19.5m. 

The building should be reinforced and retrofitting into industrial factory building of the first and thecond level, and third to five floors for the office building.A large amount of reinforcement and repair construction of the foundation, column, beam, plate and other components which are not satisfied with the requirements of standard and safe are carried out.

Houjie plant reinforcement project

Main strengthening methods

Anchor static pressure pile, stick steel plate, enlarging section and crack injection repair

Structural Strengthening matrials

HM-120 steel plate bonding adhesive

HM-500 anchoring adhesive

HM-120L crack injection adhesive

strengthening with anchoring adhesive

(strengthening with anchoring adhesive)

enlarging section

(enlarging section)

المنتجات الموصى بها

يمكنك العثور على أي شيء تحتاجه هنا ، ولديك ثقة في تجربة هذه المنتجات ، وسوف تجد الفرق الكبير بعد ذلك.

لاصق للاسطح الحديدية

مكون من اثنين من الايبوكسي تعديل الايبوكسي لاصقة تعزيز الهيكلية لوحة الصلب المستعبدين للخرسانة

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ايبوكسي حقن الشقوق

یعبر عن حقن راتنجات الایبوکسي الرقیقة العاریة من المذیبات بحقن الراتنجات. لتطبیق هذا المنتج یجب تعبیة صوامیل الحقن في العنصر المطلوب و من ثم حقن الراتنج بشکل یدوي أو میکانیکي من خلال هذة الصوامیل. یستعمل حقن الراتنج بشکل واسع في معالجة العناصر الکونکریتة م

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